Our Mission

Demand, Desire, Deliver

“We don’t have a mission statement exactly,” says CSCI President Daniel Goldburg. “It’s more of a credo: ‘Demand, Desire, Deliver.’”

According to Goldburg, “Demand, Desire, Deliver” is almost a litmus test against which he asks all CSCI team members to periodically weigh what they do on the job.

Demand,” Goldburg explains, “is the concept of workers asking themselves if what they’re doing at a given time is increasing customer demand for CSCI services.”

Desire,” he continues, “is asking if what they’re doing is helping to make CSCI a more desirable place in which to work and themselves a more desirable worker.”

“And Deliver” he says, “is the idea of whether or not they’re helping to deliver the highest quality product possible to the client safely and efficiently.

“It’s just an easy reminder for individuals to check themselves on all the specific concepts we believe in,” Goldburg says. “‘Work fast, but never compromise quality and safety to do so,’ for example. ‘Help the company grow and help yourself to grow within the company.’ ‘Always be the most professional one in the room.’ ‘Point out your mistake, fix it and do what it takes to not repeat it,’ etcetera. These are not unique ideas, of course. But the fact that we have some 900 people on the job on any given day and every one of them believes in our ‘Demand, Desire, Deliver’ credo IS unique. It’s what sets CSCI apart from our competitors and makes my job a pleasure.”